Diabetes Fanny pack

Diabetes Fanny pack

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Diabetes Fanny pack is universal small bag that has evolved from ancient days to the present day due to its purpose and significance.

Thus, it is well known by many names like waist bag, waist pouch, belt bag, belly bag, moon bag, bum bag, and many more depending on its purpose.

Besides being used for keeping money, fashion, mountain climbing, beauty-care products and tools storage bag, you will also use it as your diabetes-care tool kit bag.

Hence, in the healthcare term is referred to as diabetes fanny pack. Diabetes fanny pack is essential waist bag for keeping emergency diabetes-care products and tools for diabetic patients.

Diabetes affects everyone regardless of age, especially diabetes type 1 which is inheritable and mostly found in children can make their life normal daily life difficult and future fall apart.

Moreover, parents also make a great sacrifice to ensure the kid is happy through caring for the kid while indoor or outdoor until it is old enough to independently care for herself.

However, with diabetes fanny pack you do not need to sacrifice your job or give up on outdoor adventure because fanny pack is here to take of you wherever you go.

But its significance will only manifest if you understand how it works for you to maximally use it to your advantage despite your health condition.

What are the significance of Diabetes Fanny Pack?

As aforementioned earlier you will only maximally enjoy outdoor adventure if understand how the bag works. Below is how you are supposed to use the diabetes fanny pack:

Plan Ahead

Before spending your entire day outdoor adventuring, you should plan ahead how many days or hour you are going to spent away from home.

Therefore, with diabetes fanny pack you be able to avoid last minute rush that mostly inconvenience many people because they have left behind other essential.

The significance of planning ahead will help you carry or arm yourself with supply that is enough to serve you until your trip or vacation is over.

When you want to go outdoor or trip, it would help to properly prepare yourself with enough insulin that would be enough to sustain you.

Therefore, stash in insulin gel pack, syringe, insulin pump, glucagon injection kit, and many more essential tools.

The purpose of stashing all these essentials is to combat your blood sugar from spiking to a lethal level.

Thus, if the emergency arises you will be able to stabilize your blood sugar level immediately because you have all the essentials within your reach.

Stash in water supply

Sometimes dehydration can cause your blood sugar level to increasingly read higher because the blood is concentrated with sugar.

Therefore, you should ensure you have stashed in a liter or two of water supply in the fanny pack to keep your body hydrated.

Moreover, you also need water for hygienic reasons because you might get involved into activities that might make your hand dirty or greasy.

You can carry some snacks or food inside.

Since being outdoor it is difficult to find friendly-foods that are healthy for your diabetic condition.

Most diabetic patients do consume delicacy or snack that can stabilize blood sugar levels, but it should not trigger blood sugar levels to spike or insulin resistance.

Therefore, you should be able to pack inside enough snacks or food that that you trust are friendly and will sustain you while outdoor.

Most of snacks you can carry should be non-perishable and not succulent be it fruit, grain, nuts, trail mix, cereals and seeds.

 Keep your medical history

Wearing diabetes ID or bracelet does not guarantee your information is satisfactory when an emergency arises while unconscious.

Therefore, you should write daily your medical history and keep it inside the diabetes fanny bag.

The significance of updating your medical history and carrying it in your waist bag is to help the medical personnel to have access to your medical history data when emergency arises.

Having access to your medical history data will help the doctor to analyze it and determine the kind of treatment or medication that is suitable and friendly for you.

Include your contact list

You should trust those who are in your circle and be open to tell them about your health condition, not for pity, but to make them aware.

The awareness will help them to take immediate action when an emergency arise instead of standing there yelling for help or frowning in dilemma.

Furthermore, you should also include their contact in your contact book so that if you an emergency arises while they are not around, your contact book will be accessible for help.

The reason I insist you write your contact list manually on the book is because our smartphones have passwords that can take time to break which would be insignificant at the time of emergency.

Always wear it whether you are indoor or outdoor

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Since it carries al your diabetes care essentials you should always wear it around your waist whether you are indoor or outdoor.

Mostly children do forget very fast while playing outdoor because their mind is easily distracted by the activity their mind is engaged into.

Thus, the significant of always having it within your body is to make you be aware of your condition and ready yourself to combat blood sugar level.

Moreover, this idea is strongly recommended for kids because staying indoor would farther worsen their condition due to withdrawal and depression.

Therefore, ensure your kid has diabetes fanny pack to allow him to play with her friends and also make her friends embrace her instead of keeping her indoors.

What are the Benefits of Diabetes Fanny Pack?

Most of the benefits of diabetes fanny pack are mentioned above on the significance section, however, its vital purpose it has primarily benefited parents with kids who suffer from type 1 diabetes. They include:

Earlier Independence

Since kids with type 1 understands the risks of the disease, it has helped them to become independent at early age to maximally care for themselves because the pack is portable and reliable.

Hence, with time they will be able to take risks while playing outdoor with other kids.

The significance of early independence and their actual health awareness has made parents to have easy time to execute their duties without worries or sacrificing their profession.

Acts as a reminder or a monitor

Through updating your medication plan and history, it will help to remind when to take your medication and also monitor how your response to the treatment or medication.

This will give the doctors to have an easy time to analyze the treatment or drug prescription effects.

It has helped Diabetic kids live a normal life

Being armed with essential care diabetes tool kit with medications has helped a lot of kids to live a normal life since they are able to independently maintain blood sugar level.

Hence, they can interact and play with other kids comfortably thereby improving their social skills, discover what they are best at, and avoid psychological health problems.

 A sense of fashion

Diabetes fanny bag have been designed in many styles and colors that can easily blend with outfits.

Therefore, wearing the waist bag is also part of your wardrobe and fashion.

For styling purpose ensure you wear it with an outfit that blends or complements it without outdoing or outshining the theme or color.

What you should consider before packing essentials in your diabetes fanny pack

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Since you are suffering from diabetes outdoor environment can either be favorable or unfavorable for you or the essentials.

Therefore, before packing you should consider the following:

 Always make sure you pack enough insulin, lancets, test strips, glucose, testing supplies and many more that would be enough to serve you for the entire period you will spend away from home.

 Keep your essentials especially the insulin and other diabetes supplies in an environment that is cool and dry or temperature controlled environment.

This is because fluctuation in temperature can make insulin and other supplies to expire or become inactive.

For those who are travelling by means of air, they should keep the supplies out of reach or in the carry-on bag. The significance is to keep them intact against damage or spilling especially the ones in liquid foam.

 Always double check your pack if it has all the essentials that you will need during the trip or vacation to ensure you are not short of your essentials supply.

Ensure the fanny pack is clean, sterilized or sanitized to avoid contaminating the supplies because our hands carry a lot of bacteria and virus which can affects your medicine viability and potency.

Lastly don’t forget to carry your health history, especially for those who are going to cover farther distance.

Medical history has your medical and drug prescription history that will help in analyzing the kind of treatment that is fit for you by that time if emergency arises.


Whether you have diabetes type 1 or type 2, Diabetes fanny pack is the best company and your love saver tool kit that you should always travel with.

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